Ephrata Community Hospital
Emergency room admissions were swelling well beyond the hospital's capacity, and they worried the necessary emergency department expansion was beyond their reach.
In response to a substantial increase in emergency room visits over the prior decade, to a level of nearly twice capacity, Ephrata Community Hospital engaged The Sheridan Group to conduct a campaign feasibility study on behalf of a $5 million expansion of its Emergency Department.
At the outset of the effort, a special Board Campaign Committee was recruited to solicit the Hospital’s Board members, who were ready and willing to solidify their commitments. The Board achieved 100% participation within 60 days and reached a total amount which was three times what the Board gave to the Cancer Center Campaign just five years earlier.
The Campaign Cabinet continued to work on top prospect cultivation and solicitation over the next nine months, securing several six-figure commitments. At more than $3.4 million raised toward its $5,000,000 goal (including a $1 million grant for the Central Plant Upgrade from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania), The Emergency Department Campaign went public, engaging its entire service region. Through a multi-platform strategy of publications, media advertising, direct mail, and website marketing, the Campaign had surpassed $4.0 million by the end of 2012 and successfully met its goal in the summer, 2013.