Ohio CPA Foundation
With a desire to foster a more inclusive and well prepared new generation of CPAs, the Ohio CPA Foundation needed a plan to fund their hopes.
The Ohio CPA Foundation funds scholarships and a variety of programs, including a week-long immersion program, a student leadership conference, campus ambassadors, and efforts aimed at attracting diverse students to the CPA profession.
The Sheridan Group completed a full Development Assessment and presented a Comprehensive Development Plan based on those findings and recommendations, including a re-organization of staff responsibilities, efforts to specifically brand the Foundation as a partner and asset for The Ohio Society of CPAs, and a strategy to cultivate and solicit prospects among OSCPA’s membership.
The firm helped implement the plan for its first six months, helping the Foundation grow direct mail revenue significantly, secure three major gift commitments (including a $50,000 pledge), and launch a planned giving program targeted toward long-time, long-involved members.
We first learned about The Sheridan Group through their work on the re-launch of the ASAE Foundation and were recommended to them by ASAE colleagues. We were very pleased with our experience working with them. They took the time to really understand where we were as an organization and sought valuable feedback from prior donors, current and past volunteer leadership, as well as staff. The recommendations that came out of the Development Assessment were relevant and appropriate for us as an organization, which in turn helped ensure the Development Plan they created was manageable and tailored for us. They played a critical role in the initial implementation of the plan as well, helping to make sure that everything went smoothly – it was wonderful to have their guidance in facing those initial challenges and to have them as a ‘sounding board’ for ideas. As a result of our time with them, we were able to completely reimagine our approach to fundraising and begin the important process of creating a culture of philanthropy throughout the OSCPA community – we’re already seeing the rewards of this, and we couldn’t have done it without them.”
Karen West, CAE
Executive Director, The Ohio CPA Foundation